how does AI work and what are some examples

If you have ever used an Alexa or Siri device, interacted with a chatbot to ask customer service questions or seen product advertisements that reflect your buying habits, you have encountered artificial intelligence (AI). The most common examples of AI include autocorrect on your smartphone and word processors, which use patterns and past usage data to predict your next words and correct spelling mistakes. Other business uses of AI include predicting maintenance needs based on equipment history and analyzing data to optimize pricing, inventory and marketing strategies.

How does AI work and what are some examples on supervision to make decisions and reinforce good behavior, strong AI takes in and learns from feedback. It can even make its own adjustments, which is referred to as self-correction. This ability to teach itself means that, over time, an AI system can become more accurate and reliabl

How does AI work and what are some examples more advanced forms, AI can help you solve complex problems and automate tasks that would otherwise be tedious or impossible to perform by humans. The concept of inanimate objects endowed with intelligence dates back to ancient times. The ancient Greek god Hephaestus was depicted as forging robot-like servants out of gold, and early mathematicians, including Rene Descartes, formulated mathematical models to represent thought processes.

Definition and Use Cases

The current decade has been dominated by the development of generative AI, which produces new content based on a prompt — most commonly text, but also images, music, software code, genetic sequences and protein structures. By training on massive data sets, these algorithms learn to analyze and understand the types of media they are given, then generate new information that resembles the inputs it was trained on.


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